Trust in the LORD and do good. – Psalm 37:3
Jesus tells us… I want you to learn to trust Me in all things. Not just the big things, and not just the things you know you need help with. All things. Don’t divide up your life into what you can do by yourself and what you need My help with. Don’t say to yourself, “I’ve got my weekend figured out, but I’ll let Jesus figure out my life.” Or, “I can handle this argument with my friend, but I need Jesus’ help with this big trouble at home.” Train your mind to constantly seek My help and My way—in every situation.
Jesus concludes… Even when you are sure you know the right thing to do, double-check with Me. The more you trust Me, the more you will be able to enjoy life and face each day with confidence.
Psalm 37:3; Psalm 37:4–6; Philippians 4:19; Study Notes
Footnotes Psalms 37:1 We should never envy evil people, even though some may be extremely popular or excessively rich. No matter how much they have, their possessions will fade and vanish like grass that withers and dies. Those who follow God live differently from the wicked and, in the end, will have far greater treasures in heaven. What the unbeliever gets on earth may last a lifetime—if he or she is lucky. What the believer gets from following God will last forever.
Passage Psalms 37:4-6 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: 6He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Footnotes Psalms 37:4-5 David calls us to take delight in the Lord and to commit everything we have and do to him. But how do we do this? To delight in someone means to experience great pleasure and joy in his or her presence. This happens only when we know that person well, and when we have been a faithful friend. Thus, to delight in the Lord, we must know him better and be faithful in our relationship with him. Knowledge of God’s great love for us will then indeed give us delight. To commit ourselves to the Lord means entrusting everything—our lives, families, jobs, possessions—to his control and guidance. To commit ourselves to the Lord means to trust in him (37:5), believing that he can care for us better than we can ourselves. We should be willing to wait patiently (37:7) for him to work out what is best for us.
Passage Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Footnotes Philippians 4:19 We can trust that God will always meet our needs. Whatever we need on earth he will always supply, even if it is the courage to face death as Paul did. Whatever we need in heaven he will supply. We must remember, however, the difference between our wants and our needs. Most people want to feel good and avoid discomfort or pain. We may not get all that we want. By trusting in Christ, our attitudes and appetites can change from wanting everything to accepting his provision and power to live for him.
If we look for Jesus…we will see His Story!

This picture shows Jonathan leading a group in prayer at Yad Vashem, World Holocaust Center Jerusalem.
THE EVENT (a segment of Jonathan Cahn’s September 2021 Online Update)- Read More
Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
A recent poll, regarding sexual identity, conducted by the Gallup organization resulted in a shocking conclusion. The poll concerned sexual identity. The poll found that of those born before the baby boomers (before 1946) the percentage identifying as LGBT or non-heterosexual was 1.3% or just a little more than one in a hundred people. Among those born in the baby boomer generation (1946-1964), the number was 2%. Among those born of Generation X (1965-1980), the number went up to 3.8%. Among millennials (1981-1996), the number rose to 9.1%. And among the most recent generation, Generation Z, those born from 1997 to 2002, the number skyrocketed to 15.9%!
And it reveals something else. Human nature, or human biology, doesn’t change in any such dramatic way by natural means. What it means is that the increasing onslaught of indoctrination that bombards each new generation is working. It’s affecting, changing, and transforming the beliefs, values, behavior, identities, and sexuality of our children and thus of each generation. It is no accident that the increase in LGBT identification parallels the increase in LGBT indoctrination. The fact that the generation most exposed to the indoctrination is the same that most identifies this way should actually come as no surprise. The fact that the greatest increase in this identification is that of bisexuality, which is linked to sexual fluidity rather than hardened identity also affirms this fact.
What will happen to a generation that increasingly identifies with a morality at war with God? It will be a generation that matches the generation described in Biblical prophecy concerning the end times – a generation that persecutes the people of God.
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service,
As followers of Jesus an appropriate conclusion might be that we follow our master Whom 2,000 years ago came not to judge, but rather He Leads any member of the LGBT community, and all other communities to Himself, as He did not cast the first stone to anyone in this world, nor did he involve Himself in any political discussion.
Go below to Jonathan Cahn’s link for complete article on LGBT;