He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32
(Life Application Study Bible)
Jesus Tells Us…I, the Creator of the whole universe, am with you and for you. What more could you need? So, there is no need to worry about anything, ever. And yet, you do worry. The funny thing about worry is that it takes up a lot of time, but it doesn’t really accomplish anything. Worrying about a sin won’t make it go away, asking My forgiveness will. Worrying about a problem at home or at school won’t do any good, praying about it will. Worrying about what to say to a hurting friend won’t help, asking for My help will. Worry happens when you try to snatch back control of your life from Me. You forget that I am in charge. The only cure is to stop thinking about your problem and start thinking about Me. Let Me have control. After all, I gave up My Life for you.
Jesus Concludes… After all, I gave up My Life for you. How could I not give you everything else you need.
Romans 8:32; Romans 8:31; Micah 7:7 Study Notes
Footnotes Romans 8:31-34, Do you ever think that because you aren’t good enough for God, he will not save you? Do you ever feel as if salvation is for everyone else but you? Then these verses are especially for you. If God gave his Son for you, he isn’t going to hold back the gift of salvation! If Jesus gave his life for you, why would he turn around and condemn you? He will not with-hold anything you need to live for him. The book of Romans is more than a theological explanation of God’s redeeming grace, it is a letter of comfort and confidence addressed to you.
Passage Romans 8:31, What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Passage Micah 7:7, But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my savior, my God will hear me.
Footnotes Micah 7:7-10, Though he began his lament feeling like a desolate harvest worker, Micah showed great faith in God, both personally, and on Israel’s behalf. He proclaimed that (1) he would wait upon God, because God hears and saves when help is needed, (2) God would bring his people through when times were tough, (3) Israel must be patient in punishment because God would bring them out of the darkness, and (4) their enemies also would be punished. Each of us can have a relationship with God that gives us confidence like Micah’s. We don’t need special qualifications. We simply need to look to the Lord for our help, and follow him wholeheartedly in faith.
Jesus Tells Us is from the Jesus Calling 365 devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history
Mao Zedong
During the long Chinese Civil War, Mao
Is seen on horseback leading his fellow
Communists in northern Shaanxi province.

His power-solidifying purges, claimed the lives of
as many as 30 million of his compatriots.
The China that Mao came to rule when the Communists defeated the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-Shek in 1949, was an enormous country, by far the world’s largest and most populous. It had suffered depredation and stagnation under the long imperial rule of the Qing dynasty, and after the emperor was overthrown by rebels in 1912, China was cast into nearly four decades of socially debilitating civil war. When the dynasty ended, Mao was 18 years of age, and he wondered what would be best for the country going forward. Having observed the Russian Revolution and familiarized himself with Lenin, he finally declared himself a Marxist and in 1921 was one of the 53 founding fathers of the Communist party of China. It took time for the men to build their base and marshal their forces against the ruling conservative Nationalist Party. But by 1935, Mao had assumed leadership of the Communists, and in 1947, was able to steer a successful challenge to the Nationalists. Two years later, Mao proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and embarked on a mission to rebuild and transform the nation economically, politically and socially. China did modernize, if at a slower pace than Western nations in the 20th century. But as Stalin in the USSR, Mao is remembered as a harsh dictator.
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
His power-solidifying purges, claimed the lives of as many as 30 million of his compatriots and some of his later political campaigns caused great suffering. One of the most surprising ways he changed the world, was a late-in-life bit of diplomacy, when he and U.S. President Richard Nixon talked, dined and toasted in 1972. In allowing China to be “opened” to the West, Mao rang a bell that could not be un-rung. His successor Deng Xiaoping, though Mao’s equal in repressing dissent (with crackdowns such as Tiananmen Square), continued pushing China back into the wider world and toward capitalism. Today, the country is an economic giant and one of the very biggest players on the geopolitical stage.
Source: https://www.life.com/history/lifes-100-people-who-changed-the-world/ Page 74