Enter his gates with thanksgiving, his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and bless his name – Psalm 100:4 (New Jerusalem Bible)
Jesus tells us: I am always with you. But I have given you the freedom to choose whether or not you want to be close to Me. I want you to come to Me because you love Me, not because you have to. So, I have placed a “door” between us, and I let you decide whether or not to open it. One of the best ways to open that door is to be thankful. I especially want you to learn to thank Me when times are tough. Your thankful words stick in your throat, check to see if you really do trust Me – even in hard times. Try seeing how many times you can thank Me each day.
Jesus Concludes: This will help you see all the good things I give you – day after day. It will also help you want to praise My Name!
Psalm 100:4; Psalm 31:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Study Notes
Footnotes Psalm 100:4: An exhortation to praise God and rejoice in Him, to worship Him cheerfully. This song of praise can be considered as a prophecy for the coming of that time when all people shall know that the Lord he is God, and shall become his worshippers. How sad our spirits may be when we look to ourselves, yet we shall have reason to praise the Lord when we look to His goodness and mercy, and to His promises.
Passage Psalm 31:14: But my trust is in you, Yahweh; I say, ‘You are my God’.
Footnotes Psalm 31:14: Mine by paternal relation, care and affection, and by God’s promises and by covenant He made with me. We can be sure He orders and disposes all for the best, to all those who commit their spirits also into His hand.
Passage 1 Thessalonians 5:18: … and for all things give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus.
Footnotes 1 Thessalonians 5:18: To the Christian who really trusts his Father’s providence, and believes that his prayers are heard, every moment’s occurrence will be just that which he has prayed for and the fulfilment of our Father’s will. Thankfulness is always possible as He has no wish to give us cause for sorrow. His will towards us is to fill us with thankfulness.
This loving will of God for our good was most abundantly manifested in the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, His only Son.
Jesus Tells us is from the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history
Jonathan Cahn points to the Generation that Persecutes the People of God.
Posted on the word of the month of September 2021 of his Beth Israel special online updates.

A recent poll, regarding sexual identity, conducted by the Gallup organization resulted in a shocking conclusion. The poll concerned sexual identity. The poll found that of those born before the baby boomers (before 1946) the percentage identifying as LGBT or non-heterosexual was 1.3% or just a little more than one in a hundred people. Among those born in the baby boomer generation (1946-1964), the number was 2%. Among those born of Generation X (1965-1980), the number went up to 3.8%. Among millennials (1981-1996), the number rose to 9.1%. And among the most recent generation, Generation Z, those born from 1997 to 2002, the number skyrocketed to 15%.
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
And it reveals something else. Human nature, or human biology, doesn’t change in any such dramatic way by natural means. What it means is that the increasing onslaught of indoctrination that bombards each new generation is working. It’s affecting, changing, and transforming the beliefs, values, behavior, identities, and sexuality of our children and thus of each generation. It is no accident that the increase in LGBT identification parallels the increase in LGBT indoctrination. The fact that the generation most exposed to the indoctrination is the same that most identifies this way should actually come as no surprise. The fact that the greatest increase in this identification is that of bisexuality, which is linked to sexual fluidity rather than hardened identity also affirms this fact.
What will happen to a generation that increasingly identifies with a morality at war with God? It will be a generation that matches the generation described in Biblical prophecy concerning the end times – a generation that persecutes the people of God.
Your brother and co-laborer
in His love and service, Jonathan
As followers of Jesus an appropriate conclusion might be that we follow our master Whom 2,000 years ago came not to judge, but rather He Leads any member of the LGBT community, and all other communities to Himself, as He did not cast the first stone to anyone in this world, nor did he involve Himself in any political discussion.