I know that you can do all things. No plan of yours can be ruined. – Job 42:2
Jesus tells us… I am taking care of you. Every detail of your life is under My control. When you give your heart to Me, I make sure that everything in your life works together for the good-even the hard stuff. Some people look at what happens in the world, and they think the universe is ruled by chance. Things just happen, with little or no meaning. But they are looking at the world through eyes that cannot really see.
Jesus concludes… Your understanding of this world is like the tip of an iceberg. Only a small part of an iceberg can be seen, the rest is hidden under the surface of the water. And hidden under the surface of this world, there are mysteries too big for you to understand.
If you could look through My eyes – seeing how everything fits together – you would see how wonderfully I am caring for you. This is why you must live by faith, not by sights – trusting in My mysterious, loving Presence.
Job 42:2; Romans 8:28; Job 42:1-3; 1 Peter 5:7; 2 Corinthians 5:7
Footnotes Job 42:2-4 Job was quoting the Lord’s earlier questions to him (38:2-3). He openly and honestly faced God and admitted that he was the one who had been foolish. Are you using what you can’t understand as an excuse for your lack of trust? Admit to God that you don’t even have enough faith to trust him. True faith begins in such humility.
Passage Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Footnotes Romans 8:28 God works in all things—not just isolated incidents—for our good. This does not mean that all that happens to us will be pleasant, and we do not have to call pain good. Even though evil pervades our fallen world, God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long-range benefit. Note that God does not work only to make us happy but to fulfill his purposes. Note also that this promise is not for everybody. It can be claimed only by those who love God and are called by him—that is, those the Holy Spirit convinces and enables to receive Christ. Such people have a new perspective, a new mind-set.
Passage Job 42:1-3 Then Job replied to the LORD: 2“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. 3You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’ Surely, I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.
Footnotes Job 42:1-6 Throughout this book we read about Job’s friends asking him to admit his sin and ask for forgiveness. Eventually, Job did indeed repent. Ironically, Job’s repentance was not the kind called for by his friends. He did not ask forgiveness for committing secret sins but for questioning God’s sovereignty and justice. Job repented of his attitude and acknowledged God’s great power and perfect justice. We sin when we angrily ask, “If God is in control, how could he let this happen?” Because we are locked into time, unable to see beyond today, we cannot know the reasons for everything that happens.
Passage 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Footnotes 1 Peter 5:7 Carrying our worries, stresses, and daily struggles by ourselves shows that we have not trusted God fully with our lives. Humility is needed, however, to recognize that God cares, to admit our needs, and to let others in God’s family help us. Sometimes we think that struggles caused by our own sin and foolishness are not God’s concern. But when we turn to God in repentance, he will bear the weight even of those struggles. Letting God carry our anxieties calls for action, not passivity. Don’t submit to circumstances; submit to the Lord, who controls circumstances.
Passage 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we live by faith, not by sight.
Footnotes 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 Paul was not afraid to die because he was confident of spending eternity with Christ. Of course, facing the unknown may cause us anxiety, and leaving loved ones hurts deeply, but if we believe in Jesus Christ, we can share Paul’s hope and confidence of eternal life with Christ.
If we look for Jesus…we will see His Story!
It is the Bible that made America. Not every Founding Father was a Christian, a Bible-believer, or a paragon of virtue. Not every president has honored the Bible. Not every leader has appreciated its influence. Some of the Founding Fathers—Thomas Jefferson, Ethan Allen, Thomas Paine—were disciples of Enlightenment Rationalism. But even they were intimately acquainted with the contents of the Bible. They vigorously studied Scripture and respected its ethical teachings.

John Jay
I am not commending all those whose stories I tell in these pages, but I am commending the book they held in their hands. Trying to explain American history without its Bible is like trying to understand the human body without its bloodstream. Had there been no Bible, there would be no America as we know it. The nation would not have been born as it was.
- In 1789, after Jay declined George Washington’s offer of the position of Secretary of State, the president offered him the new opportunity of becoming Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, which Jay accepted. He was unanimously confirmed on September 26, 1789 and remained on the bench until 1795.
The Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path; when it burns low, our culture grows dark. The best way to keep America strong is to know her history, to honor her roots, to preserve her legacy, and to cherish the eternal God who, in His providence, placed this continent between two shimmering seas, and who, in His goodness, provided a Book that became her moral and intellectual foundation: the Holy Bible.
Source; Life Magazine 100 People Who Changed The World