Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Romans 5:1 (Life Application Study)
Jesus tells us: You want to understand everything. Why the sky is blue, how your mind works, why bad things happen, and why boys and girls act the way they do. You think if you can understand the whys and how’s of things, you can control them, and then you’ll have peace. But the problem is that as soon as you figure out one set of things, another set pops up for you to figure out one set of things, another set pos up for you to figure out. If you count on your own understanding to give you peace, then you will never really be peaceful. Instead of searching for the whys and how’s, search for Me. My Presence and My Peace go together, so when you find Me, you also find My Peace.
Jesus concludes: Put your faith in Me, not in your ability to figure everything out. Besides, I already have everything all figured out.
Romans 5:1; Proverbs 3:5-6; Thessalonians 3:16
Footnotes Romans 5:1 We are now at peace with God, which may differ from peaceful feelings such as calmness and tranquility. Having peace with God means that we have been reconciled with him. No more hostility stands between us, no sin blocks our relationship with him. Peace with God is possible only because Jesus paid the price for our sins through his death on the cross. Even in great tragedies, we can have god’s peace because for our confident hope in his promises. (Philippians 4:7)
Passage Proverbs 3:5-6 5Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, 6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Footnotes Proverbs 3:5-6 Leaning has the sense of putting your whole weight on something, resting on and trusting in that person or thing. When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can’t trust anyone, even God. But God knows the best path for us. He is a better judge of what we need than we are! We must trust him completely in every choice we make. We should not omit careful thinking or belittle our God-given ability to reason, but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We must not be wise in our own eyes (see 3:7)
Passage Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
Footnotes Thessalonians 3:18 Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians provides encouragement and reassurance to those who are being persecuted, or are under pressure because of their faith. In 2 Thessalonians 1, we are told what suffering can do for us. In 2 Thessalonians 2, we are assured of final victory. In 2 Thessalonians 3, we are encouraged to continue living responsibly in spite of difficult circumstances. Christ’s return promises hope, and what we hope for, shapes what we live for. When you struggle with hope, remember that our hope is in Jesus-King of kings, Creator, and God, who passionately loves us. This hope is not just for the future, it has a vital impact on how we live now.
Jesus Tells us is from the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history
The Undeniable Influence of the Bible on Culture

For the past fifty years, some in America who disbelieve and despise the Bible have made a concerted effort to remove its influence from our culture. No more Bible reading in school. No more posting of the Ten Commandments in the courtroom. No Scripture references in political debates.
But since (according to President John Adams) this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Scripture verses are etched on the stone walls of public buildings that are now historical landmarks. The Bible is quoted frequently in the early documents of our founding fathers and Biblical references permeate the congressional record, judicial decisions and the educational system.
If those who seek to eliminate Bible references succeed, “May heaven help us!” But they won’t. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth may pass away but my word will never pass away.”
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
The Bible is so much a part of our culture that it’s impossible to erase it altogether no matter how hard some skeptics may try. For example, have you ever thought about the Biblical language that’s ingrained in our everyday speech such as;
- “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” (Matt. 7:15)
- “An eye for an eye” (Lev. 24:19)
- “The blind leading the blind” (Matt 15:14)
- “My brother’s keeper” (Gen. 4:9)
- “Thorn in one’s side” (2 Cor. 12:7-9)
- “Salt of the earth” (Matt 5:13)
- “Drop in the bucket” (Isaiah 40:15)
- “We reap what we sow” (Gal 6;7)
- “Fly in the ointment” (Eccles 10:1)
- “Sabbatical” (Lev. 25)…and many others too many to list!