November 7th – Reflecting Me

Nov 7, 2021 | Bible Study 2021

I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want: Let me live in the Lord’s house all my life. Let me see the Lord’s beauty. Let me look around in his Temple. – Psalm 27:4


Jesus inspires us… See My beauty all around you: in nature, in true friendship, in love.

Jesus affirms of Himself I am the great Artist and all true beauty is a reflection of Me.

Jesus says: I am working to make you more and more beautiful. Bit by bit, I’m clearing out the clutter inside you – the clutter of stuff, of selfishness, of the world.

Jesus explains This makes room for My Spirit to take charge of your life.

Jesus invites us Help Me in this work by letting go of anything I choose to take away. Whether I leave you with a lot or a little, just trust Me.

Jesus promises us: I know what you truly need. And I promise to give you that – abundantly!


Psalm 27:4; Psalm 29:2; Psalm 52:8 Study Notes

Footnotes Psalm 27:4; All the struggles, the trials and temptations will not let us forget the house of the Lord at the end of the road. This verse is not the mere expression of a desire for unbroken residence in a material Temple. It is an aspiration and its fulfilment depends not on where we are, but on what we think and feel; every place is God’s house, and we should be able to keep up unbroken consciousness of being in God’s presence and should be always in touch with Him.

Passage Psalm 29:2; “give Yahweh the glory due to his name, adore Yahweh in the splendor of holiness”

Footnotes Psalm 29:2; This is a call to renounce to pagan ways. “The glory of His Name” indicates “the power of the Lord”. We must be holy in all our religious services, devoted to God, and to His will and glory. There is a beauty in holiness, and that puts beauty upon all acts of worship.

Passage Psalm 52:8; But I am as a green olive tree that thrives in the house of God: I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.

Footnotes Psalm 52:8; The olive tree and the resulting oil is a sign of life and abundance. By “staying in the temple” one will draw from the Lord His life in fullness, luxuriant as an olive tree.

David knew God’s mercy to be eternal and perpetual, and in that he trusted. What a rock to build on! What a fortress to fly to!

If we look for Jesus…we will see His Story!



Birth of America, Genesis 49, the passage containing the blessings of
Jacob to his twelve sons who were destined to become a great nation


George Washington

THE EVENT- Read More

April 30, 1789: The Invisible Hand 1:00 p.m. The Virginian, stepped onto the crowded second-floor balcony of the old Federal Building in lower Manhattan and took his place beside a large decorative Bible. He was about to take the oath of office as the first president of the United States of America. General Washington, The Bible before him, it was opened to Genesis 49, the passage containing the blessings of Jacob to his twelve sons who were destined to become a great nation. After placing his hand on the Bible, the general listened to the oath of office, which was quoted by Robert Livingstone, chancellor of New York. After hearing the final words “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”—Washington said, “I do,” and then he did something extraordinary. To the thrill of the crowd and in full view of posterity, he removed his hand from Genesis 49 then reverently bent down and kissed the Bible.1 “It is done!” Livingston cried to the crowd. “Long live George Washington, president of the United States!”


On that spring day in 1789, hundreds of eyewitnesses saw Washington lay his hands on God’s Word and kiss its pages. And those who heard his remarks took notice of his reverence toward the God of heaven who has revealed His “eternal rules of order and right,” an unmistakable reference to Scripture. The founders of the United States of America revered the Bible because it reflected their awareness of God’s authority over the nations. Washington did not place his hand on the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States, as hallowed as those documents are. Nor did he kiss the pages of any other religious or secular tome. It was the Bible that sanctified the moment. The Bible, he knew, had ushered American history to this point.

Its message can change your life—your emotions, your situation, your mind, your heart, your family, and your future. The Scriptures can make us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. “My words are few and plain,” George Washington once wrote. “Listen well to what I tell you and let it sink deep into your hearts. You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life and above all—the religion of Jesus Christ. This will make you a greater and happier people than you are.”

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