You keep your loving promise. You lead the people you have saved. With your strength you will guide them to your holy land. Exodus 15:13
Jesus Tells Us; Follow Me. No matter where I lead you, just follow Me. Don’t worry about how everything will turn out. Just trust Me, and I’ll show you the way. Think of your life as an adventure, with Me as your Guide and Companion. Don’t worry about where our path will lead tomorrow, just live in the adventure of today. Keep your mind on staying close to Me. If our path takes us to the bottom of a steep cliff, don’t be afraid. Juist hold tightly to My hand, and take a deep breath. I’ll help you climb all the way up to the top. And when we come to a peaceful resting place, stop there a while and rest with Me. You already know where our journey will end. Someday I will take you into heaven, to live with Me there forever.
Jesus Concludes; But for now, just follow Me as I guide you along today’s path. And enjoy the adventures you share with Me, your faithful Guide.
Exodus 15:13; Psalm 17:13-14; Study Notes
Footnotes Exodus 15:1-18; Music played an important part in Israel’s worship and celebration. Singing was an expression of love and thanks, and it was a creative way to pass down oral traditions. Some say this song of Moses is the oldest recorded song in the world. It was a festive epic poem of celebrating God’s victory, lifting the hearts and voices of the people outward and upward. After having been delivered from great danger, they sang with joy! Psalms and hymns can be great ways to express relief, praise, and thanks when you have been through trouble.
Passage Psalm 17:13-14; 13Rise up, LORD, confront them, bring them down, with your sword rescue me from the wicked. 14By your hand, save me from such people, LORD, from those of this world whose reward is in this life.
Footnotes Psalm 17:13-15; We deceive ourselves when we measure our happiness or satisfaction in life by the amount of wealth we possess. When you put riches at the top of your value system, you let power, pleasure, and financial security overshadow the eternal value of your relationship with God. Sometimes, we think we will be happy or content when we get riches, only to discover that they don’t really satisfy and that their pleasures fade away. The true measure of happiness or satisfaction is found in God’s love and in doing his will. You will find true satisfaction if you put your relationship with God above earthly riches.
Jesus Tells Us is from the Jesus Calling 365 devotions for kids.
Footnotes Source: Life Application Study Bible
THE WORLD…we see history

Elias Boudinot 1740-1821
Elias Boudinot was a Founding Father, thoroughly committed to Jesus Christ. He was born in Philadelphia, just down the street from Benjamin Franklin, on May 2, 1740, and baptized by Goerge Whitefield. As a young man Boudinot wanted to go into the ministry, but his family couldn’t afford to send him to college. So Boudinot studied law under his brother-in-law, Richard Stockton, who would later be a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Boudinot set up practice in New Jersey, and soon became known as a gifted attorney and businessman. When the Revolutionary War broke out, Boudinot was named commissary-general of prisoners and superintended the intelligence department of the army as head of George Washinton’s ring of spies. In 1777, he was chosen as a member of the Continental Congress, and he was appointed its president in 1782. In this role, Boudinot signed the Treaty of Paris, ending the War of Independence. After the Revolution, Boudinot returned to private practice, but upon the adoption of the Constitution he was elected to the House of Representatives from New Jersey. As a member of the First Congress, Boudinot proposed the first national Thanksgiving Day. When Boudinot retired from Congress, Washington appointed him to be the director of the United States Mint. Boudinot also served as a trustee of Princeton College for fifty years, and he was active in promoting many Christian and evangelistic causes. In the days following the American Revolution, the new nation quickly abandoned its Christian heritage. Church attendance plunged, and colleges became seedbeds of atheism. The spiritual progress of the Great Awakening, which had helped fuel the American Revolution, dissipated. French rationalism and the Enlightenment captivated American minds, and much of the secularism was fueled by Thomas Paine’s rabidly anti-Christian book The Age of Reason. To counter Paine’s arguments, Boudinot published The Age of Revelation: Or the Age of Reason Shown to be an Age of Infidelity, one of America’s first books of Christian apologetics. He told his readers he had written the book, “knowing the importance of your being able to give a ready answer for the hope that is in you.” Boudinot was referring to 1 Peter 3:15, the Bible’s key text on the subject of what is called “apologetics”, the defense of the Christian faith. Many people believe that faith is believing in something despite the evidence, but a valid faith is believing in something because of the evidence.
The Lord never wants us to commit intellectual suicide to trust Him. He has given us copious amounts of proof, many infallible proofs, as we read in Acts 1:3- that the Christian faith is verifiable and true. Because of that, the apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” On the Bible, Boudinot also wrote:
For nearly half a century, have I anxiously and critically studied that invaluable treasure [the Bible], and I still scarcely ever take it up, that I do not find something new, that I do not receive some valuable addition to my stock of knowledge, or perceive some instructive fact, never observed before. In Short, were you to ask me to recommend the most valuable book in the world, I should fix on the Bible as the most instructive, both to the wise and ignorant. Were you to ask me for one affording the most rational and pleasing entertainment to the inquiring mind, I should repeat, it is the Bible. And should you renew the inquiry for the best philosophy, or the most interesting history, I should still urge you to look into your Bible. I would make it, in short, the Alpha and Omega of knowledge.
In 1816, Boudinot gave $10,000 to establish the American bible Society and served as its first president. He lived to age eighty-one, devoting his final years to writing about the hope that was within him. His dying words were, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” After providing for his daughter in his will, Boudinot bequeathed the remainder of his estate to Christian causes including 4,000 acres for the Society for the Benefit of the Jews, $5,000 to the Presbyterian Church, 4,080 acres for theological students, more than, 3,000 acres for the Hospital of Philadelphia, and over 13,000 acres to the city of Philadelphia for the benefit of the poor. Every aspect of his life and death was devoted to expressing the hope that was within him, the certain hope of the Gospel of Christ.