There is nothing I cannot do in the One who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13 (New Jerusalem Bible)
Jesus guides us: Don’t waste your time wishing all your problems away. In this world, you will have problems. That’s just the way it is here. But rejoice and be thankful! Why? Because you’re My child, and that means you have an eternity of problem-free living waiting for you – in heaven. No one can take that awesome future away from you! And while you are here on earth, I will equip you for whatever troubles come your way. Start each day by asking for My help. Tell Me everything that is worrying you, and I will guide you through your troubles. I promise. Try to see problems as I see them – challenges that you and I can handle together. Challenges that will make you stronger.
Jesus concludes: Remember, together you and I can do anything – even smile in the face of trouble.
Philippians 4:13; John 16:33; Isaiah 41:13 Study Notes
Footnotes Philippians 4:13 God will allow us to endure anything and this reflects the Gospel teachings that nothing is impossible with God.
We are not to understand it absolutely, but it means by the Lord’s help we can use well both prosperity and adversity, all those things the Lord calls us to and put us upon. We by faith being united to Christ, by the power of his Spirit dwelling in us, have in the Lord’s righteousness and strength. Not by any power we have of ourselves, but through Christ strengthening of us.
Passage John 16:33 I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you will have hardship, but be courageous: I have conquered the world.
Footnotes John 16:33 The joy of the disciples is so full that their every need will be satisfied. They will also be able to ask for everything they need in concrete life and the Father in the name of the Son will give it to them even though in fact they already have everything in the saving presence of the Son in them.
There is difficulty in the witness of the disciples in the hostile world but, in the disciples, there is an interior peace in union with Him and with the Father in the Spirit.
Passage Isaiah 41:13 For I, Yahweh, your God, I grasp you by your right hand; I tell you, “Do not be afraid, I shall help you.”
Footnotes Isaiah 41:13 All He asks of His people is to open their eyes and trust Him. And we have many examples of what God offers even to the believers and groups of believers who cling to the hope given in the Gospel.
THE WORLD…we see history

Born March 10th 1957 Died May 2nd 2011
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
A murderous madman, who, on September 11th 2001, slaughtered 2.977 People. Yet Bin Laden, to some in the Middle East and elsewhere, he was the Islamic prophet of retribution. The spoiled son of a billionaire Saudi builder with ties to that kingdom’s royal family, bin Laden was radicalized in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, an attack he viewed as an affront to Islam. Seeking to drive out the infidels, Bin Laden raised money for the resistance and formed the militant organization al-Qaeda. By 1989, the Soviets had left Afghanistan, but when Iraq invaded Kuwait the following year, the Saudi government invited America to set up bases. Bin Laden, who abhorred the United States support of Israel, considered America’s presence in the birthplace of Muhammad as blasphemous.
Among other atrocities, it spurred the simultaneous 1998 attacks on U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which took the lives of 224, and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, which killed 17. But what bin Laden is most remembered for and changed the world forever came on a beautiful, clear late summer day in 2001 on the east coast of the United States. On September 11, 19 of his acolytes hijacked four passenger jets and plowed them into the two World Trade Center towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
The mass murder led to a U.S.-led coalition that expelled the Taliban from power. It also turned the already secretive bin Laden into a phantom menace. The United States intensified its hunt for him in the shadows and eventually, surveillance led to a heavily fortified compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There, on May 2, 2011, Navy SEALs swooped in on Black Hawk helicopters, and killed the al-Qaeda leader. His burial at sea followed traditional Islamic procedures.