Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty: the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:3
(Life Application Study Bible)
Jesus Tells Us; The whole of creation declares that I am God. And the beauty of creation declares My Glory. Open your eyes to the beauty all around you. See the majesty of the mountains, the power of the ocean waves, the details of the tiniest wild-flower, the endless colors of the sunset, and know that I am holy God. So many people rush past these signs of My Presence without even giving them a second thought. Some people just use beauty to sell their products, forgetting all about Me. But I want you to open your eyes to the glory of My creation. Let this awesome beauty draw you into worshipping Me. Be glad that I am a holy God who created such a beautiful world. And use the glory of My creation to tell others about Me.
Jesus Concludes; The whole earth is full of My shining beauty, My Glory!
Isaiah 6:3; Psalm 29:2; Study Notes
Footnotes Isaiah 6:1-3; The throne, the attending seraphim (angels), and the threefold holy, all stress God’s holiness. Seraphim were a type of angel whose name is derived from the word “burn,” perhaps indicating their purity as God’s ministers. In a time when moral and spiritual decay had peaked, Isaiah needed to see God in his holiness. Being holy means being morally perfect, pure, and set apart from all sin. Like Isaiah, we need to discover God’s holiness. Our daily frustrations, society’s pressures, and our shortcomings reduce and narrow our view of God. We need the Bible’s view of God as high and lifted up to empower us to gain the right perspective between our humanness and his perfection so that we can serve him properly. Ask him to purify you from sin, cleanse your mind from fruitless pursuits, and give you a fresh vision of himself.
Passage Psalm 29:2; Ascribe to the LORD, the glory due his name, worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.
Footnotes Psalm 29:5-6; The cedars of Lebanon were large trees that could grow to 120 feet tall and 30 feet in circumference. A voice that could break the cedars of Lebanon would be a truly powerful voice-the voice of God. Sirion is another name for Mount Hermon. Even the most impressive parts of nature are under God’s complete control.
Footnotes 1 Chronicles 16:29; Our praise should also include ascribing glory to God. This means giving credit where credit is due. We honor him as the God above all gods, the supreme ruler of the universe. We do this when we sing about him, testify to his work in our lives, thank him for all the ways he has benefited us, and live in humble obedience to his will. Remember this in your worship, give God all the glory.
Jesus Tells Us is from the Jesus Calling 365 devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history

In this 17th century painting, by an anonymous Artist,
Galileo faces his inquisitors in 1663.
Like Copernicus, Galileo Galilei forced us to reassess our views of reality, and his manner of approaching the natural order, and questioning what might be the truth of the matter was revolutionary, revolutionary in the extreme. And because that was the case, it cost Galileo dearly, he was the ultimate Renaissance man, more so even than the renowned philosopher, painter, tinkerer Leonardo da Vinci. Galileo was a brilliant astronomer, mathematician and physicist, and an accomplished artist. Born In Pisa, Italy, in 1564, he became a university professor in that city, despite having not completed his own course of study. Later, working at the University of Padua, he elucidated his crucial insights in the field of physics, that the Aristotelian belief that heavy objects fall more rapidly in a vacuum than lighter ones was incorrect, that there is in fact a uniform rate of acceleration, that an object in motion would tend, unaffected by outside forces such as friction, to stay in motion. As an astronomer, he became notorious. He devised a telescope, the world’s first used for astronomy, and began experimenting, which led to his support of the Copernican hypothesis, that the earth and other planets in the solar system revolved around the sun. this put Galileo, a devout Catholic, in direct opposition to Church teachings, and he was placed under house arrest and forced to publicly recant his conclusions. He did so, which of course did not mean that they were not true.
Note Renaissance Definition: The transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science.
Source: https://www.life.com/history/lifes-100-people-who-changed-the-world/ Page 93