July 17 – Don’t Put Me On Hold

Jul 17, 2022 | Bible Study 2022

My Beautiful one, come with me. Song of songs 2:13 (New Jerusalem Bible)


Jesus tells us: Come away with Me for a while. Take a break from the television, the video games, and the cell phone. Put the world on hold. Most people chose to put Me on hold, thinking, I’ll spend time with Jesus later. But later never seems to come. Be different. Put your time with Me first. This world makes an idol out of busyness. “The busier you are, the better you must be” is a lie that comes from the world. You can even get too busy with good things. If you are doing so much for your church, your family, and youth group that you don’t have time to spend with Me, then you need to change some things. It won’t always be easy, either.

Jesus Concludes: But when you chose to come away with Me, you will be blessed with My Love, My Peace, and My Presence. And there is simply nothing better or more important than that.


Song of Songs 2:13; Luke 10:41-42


Footnotes Song of Songs 2:13: the Song speaks of Him seeking a love among the innumerable descendants. And are we ever able to find a peaceful place, where at least, there are no mosquitos, and more than insects, preventing us from enjoying the presence of God?

Passage Luke 10:41-42: 41But the Lord answered, ‘Martha, Martha,’ he said, ‘you worry and fret about so many things, 42and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part, and it is not to be taken from her.

Footnotes Luke 10:41-42: Mary is not in the least concerned about preparing the food. Martha complains. Jesus then praises Mary, not only because she is listening to Him but also because she has decided to follow Him. So, Mary has chosen the better part.

Jesus Tells us is from the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for kids. 

THE WORLD…we see history

Jonathan Cahn, remembering the return of 2020
THE WORLD… we see history


 Napoli Bible Study Supernatural Figure 2

The 10 days of Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance started with the Biblical Feast of Trumpets on Friday, September 18 and ended with the Day of Atonement September 28. The central day of The Return was Saturday, September 26, 2020 on The National Mall in the United States, when tens of thousands gathered for the Prayer March because ‘Things Change When You Pray’ throughout the nation and world.

The Return is not about any one organization, denomination, or person and has no agenda but revival alone. Our prayer is for the Bride of Christ to lead in calling believers to a posture of repentance, prayer, and seeking God’s will.

It is time to seek the Lord as never before. The moment and chance we have before us now may never happen again. It is time to return.

The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!

The Return is an end time movement with one purpose, the Return of God. Individually, corporately, nationally, globally, and the end goal of world revival. It crystalized on September 26th 2020, on the National Mall in Washington D.C, and in gatherings and events throughout the nation and the world. Millions took part and the Lord powerfully moved.

Now we move forward together for the worldwide revival and the end time harvest foretold in the Scriptures.

A young Jewish believer, named Jonathan Cahn had been leading a Bible Study in Rockland County New York and leading a ministry bringing food and God’s love to the homeless of New York City. Gary Selman asked Jonathan to help him start a new ministry. Jonathan agreed to give whatever help was needed. In 1988, Gary asked Jonathan to become the spiritual leader. And after much prayer, Jonathan said ‘yes.’
In the first year of Jonathan’s leadership, the ministry grew from a congregation of about 35 people to three times that size. It soon outgrew its first home in the Paramus Church of the Nazarene, but there was no money for a building. It was then that a native American showed up at the service and told Jonathan that God had told him that he was to give the ministry a check for $150,000, which he did, and which provided the funds needed for Beth Israel to purchase its first building.

In the course of the ministry, Jonathan’s teachings became known around the world for opening up the deep mysteries of the Word and restoring the biblical Jewishness to the Gospel. People from all backgrounds began attending the services, some from other congregations on Friday Night, and others on Sunday Morning.

Every weekend, Jew and Gentile, people from all nations gather together at the Jerusalem Center to worship the Lord and grow deeper in the riches and mysteries of God’s Word, as well as to discover the deep biblical riches in the Jewish roots of Messiah.

Go to following link to witness live event of the 2020 Return at The Washington Monument in Washington DC following https://www.thereturn.org/

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