There are some things the Lord our God has kept secret.
Deuteronomy 29:29 (Life Application Study Bible)
Jesus Tells Us…Sometimes you think it might be nice to know the future, what to expect, how things will turn out. There are even some people who claim they can tell you the future. But the future is secret. It is My secret. When you try to figure out the future, you are reaching for something that is Mine. By keeping your future, a secret, I am teaching you to depend on Me. Trust My promises to care for you, to look out for you. I will show you the next step you need to take, and the one after that, and the one after that, one step at a time. Don’t try to rush ahead of Me.
Jesus Concludes…Just relax and enjoy the journey to your future, one day at a time
Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 32:8 Study Notes
Footnotes Deuteronomy 29:29 There are some secrets God has chosen not to reveal to us, possibly for the following reasons: (1) Our finite minds cannot fully understand the infinite aspects of God’s nature and the universe (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and (2) some things are unnecessary for us to know until we are more mature. Although God has not told us everything there is to know, he has told us all we need to know. Thus, disobedience comes from an act of the will, not a lack of knowledge. Through God’s word we know enough about him to be saved by faith and to serve him. We must not use the limitations of our knowledge as an excuse to reject his claim on our lives.
Passage Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Footnotes Psalm 32:8-9 God exhorts us not to be stubborn like horses or mules that have to be controlled by bits and bridles. If we comply with God’s guidance, he will not have to resort to applying discipline and punishment to keep us on track. God longs to guide us with love and wisdom rather than punishment. He offers to watch over us and teach us the best way to go. accept the advice written in God’s Word and don’t let your stubbornness keep you from obeying him.
Jesus Tells Us is from the Jesus Calling 365 devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history
George Whitefield
George Whitefield:
Evangelist Of the Great Awakening

You must be born again. – John 3:7
He set the Colonies on fire, George Whitefield, one of the most electrifying preachers in Christian history. A British Anglican, he made seven trips to the Colonies and preached so extensively that 80 percent of the population heard him, usually in the open air. His crowds numbered thousands, and his voice was commanding, though he had only the air for amplification. He was America’s first celebrity, the most famous person in the Colonies before George Washington, and he has been called America’s Spiritual Founding Father. His key verse, the text for many of his sermons and the theme of his lifelong ministry, was John 3:7; “You must be born again” (emphasis mine). It was such a constant chorus that a woman reportedly asked Whitefield why he so often insisted on preaching on the words “You must be born again.” He replied, “Because, Madam, you must.” Whitefield’s 1739-1740 tour of the Colonies began in Philadelphia, and coincided with the high tide of the Great Awakening. He generated audiences like none had ever seen before, often exceeding the population of the cities he visited. A spirit of revival radiated from his ministry for miles in all directions. Nathan Cole, a farmer in Connecticut, described Whitefield’s visit to his area on October 23, 1740. Like virtually everyone in the Colonies, Cole had heard reports of the remarkable meetings Whitefield was conducting and longed to hear the preacher for himself. His interest wasn’t just curiosity, he had a spiritual hunger and wondered if he might find God through the young evangelist’s words. One morning, about eight or nine o’clock, a rider passed the Cole farmstead shouting that Mr. Whitefield was to preach at Middletown at ten o’clock. Cole threw down his tool and ran with all his might to the house, hollering for his wife to get ready to go to the event, which was about twelve miles away. Running to his barn, he threw the saddle on his horse, galloped back, and hoisted his wife behind him.
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
Together they traveled as fast as the horse could run. When the horse showed signs of giving out, Cole dismounted and ran alongside until the animal had regained strength, then jumped back on, in this manner, they made their way to Middletown, fearing they would be too late. Cole later said they traveled as if fleeing for their lives. By and by they saw a strange cloud forming, like a yellow fog rising from the earth. They heard a noise like thunder shaking the ground. Coming closer, they saw the cloud and noise represented thousands of people, rushing as they were, hoping to arrive on time. Every horse was galloping with all its might, as thousands of people clogged the roads and pathways leading to Middletown. Cole’s wife exclaimed, “Law, our clothes will be all spoiled, see how they look.” Everything within sight was covered by the dust, the trees, ground, horses, people, and even the sky were tinted an orange-brown color. Over on the river, ferry boats were disgorging passengers in great numbers as a multitude of thousands assembled in a field outside town. Cole later wrote:
When I saw Mr. Whitefield come upon the [Platform], he looked almost angelical, a young, slim, slender youth before some thousands of people and with a bold, undaunted countenance, and my hearing how God was with him everywhere as he came along, it solemnized my mind and put me into a trembling fear before he began to preach; for he looked as if he was clothed with the authority from the great God.
The sermon resulted in Nathan Cole’s conversion, and in the conversions of many others. George Whitefield’s repeated visits to America, between 1738 and 1770, led thousands to be born again. The Great Awakening united the Colonies in a way that transcended regional differences, infused the land with spiritual liberty, populated the pulpits with clergymen proclaiming freedom, and laid a moral foundation for the American Revolution.
Source: Page 34