The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it. The glory of God is its light, and the Lamb is the city’s lamp. – Revelation 21:23 (ICB)
Jesus tells us… I came to this earth to give Light to the world. It’s different from the sun’s light, which makes the trees and plants grow. The Light of My Love shines brighter than any sun ever could. The Light of My Presence that you see now is only a hint of what heaven will be like. I cannot show you all of My Light now; it would blind you. But in heaven you will be able to see the fullness of My Glory. My Light shines so brightly in heaven that there is no need for a sun, moon, or stars. My Light chases away all the darkness.
Jesus concludes… I can also chase away the darkness from your life. Just spend time with Me each day, letting My Light soak into your soul. This will help you look forward to seeing the Light of heaven—where you will see Me in all My Glory.
Revelation 21:23; Psalm 4:6–8;
Footnotes Revelations 21:22-24 The temple, the center of God’s presence among his people, was the primary place of worship. No temple is needed in the new city, however, because God’s presence will be everywhere. God will be the light in the new Jerusalem. Light represents what is good, pure, true, holy, and reliable. Darkness represents what is sinful and evil. That God’s glory illuminates the city means that the city will be enveloped by him, who is perfectly holy and true. Light is also related to truth in that it exposes whatever exists. Just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light, so sin cannot exist in the presence of a holy God. The city will be completely without sin and evil. We will be able to worship God throughout the city; nothing will hinder us from being with him.
Passage Psalms 4:6-8 6Many, LORD, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?” Let the light of your face shine on us. 7Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound. 8In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Footnotes Psalms 4:5 Worship in David’s day included animal sacrifices by the priests in the tabernacle. The animal’s blood covered the sins of the one who offered the animal. Specific rules had been given for offering sacrifices, but more important to God than ceremony was the offerer’s attitude of submission and obedience (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Today, a sacrifice offered in the right spirit is still pleasing to God. He wants our obedience and our praise before our gifts (Hebrews 13:15). Offer God your sacrifice of total obedience and heartfelt praise.
Jesus Tells us is from the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history
John O, Personal account of Codependency

My name is John O and I am a grateful believer in Jesus, who now deals with codependency among other things. That’s not how it has always been. I spent years dealing with alcoholism, food addictions, workaholism and pornography. Working through issues that faced me as a survivor of sexual abuse as a child.
I have been part of the elite society of AA, Al-anon, and Adult Children of a Dysfunctional family. I have gone through Rehab/detox, as a dry drunk. I’ve spent over 20 years in individual therapy, men’s group therapy and, couples therapy. I have found my peace, through a relationship with Jesus Christ through Celebrate Recovery.
I grew up in South Braintree Massachusetts and went to South Junior High, in the early sixties. I thought that the way I grew up was fairly normal, but I never shared any of my life with anyone. I hid within myself. I was a loner and felt rejected and “less than” for most of my life. I had a very empty and dark place within me, that I was very aware of.
My early relationship with God, was much distorted. The rules and God, were not the same on Sunday, as they were on the other six days. God and Jesus were Judge-mental, harsh, and distant. I walked away from God in Vietnam, when I was 19, and stayed away for over 20 years, 20, very lonely years.
Looking back on my life today, I endured many things that never made any sense to me. If God was as loving as everyone had told me, how could he let the things happen in my life that did happen? Up until several years ago, none of the experiences, situations or people in my life made any sense.
I said that I was dealing with codependence. That is my core issue, it is the issue that controlled my life. Codependency is not an emptiness of the soul, it is really a spiritual disease. I was a very empty person who had nothing to give, there was really no me. I tried to fill up the emptiness inside of me by trying to feel important and needed by other people. I tried to be everything to everyone, and in the process forgot about me.
When I found that people couldn’t fill the hole inside, I turned to alcohol, and lost 7 years of my life to the disease. I then turned to food to fill the void within me, food has been a constant struggle for me. It didn’t fill the void, I tried to relive my life through my children, that only made me feel emptier and drove them away from me. I became absorbed in work, that made me tired, alone, and resentful.
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
It was only when I crashed and hit bottom, 20 years ago, did I try to find out why I was so empty. In individual counseling, I discovered a childhood I had repressed, which included years of sexual abuse, and started trying to rebuild my life.
In this last 20 years, I met my wife, who has traveled this long road to recovery with me. On this part of the journey though, God became the partner that I had been looking so very long for. He has become my constant companion, and really, OUR constant companion. He has built a life with me, that I could never have imagined. It is full, not without struggles, exciting, and promising. It is a relationship that I had never seen before.
Source: Personal account of John O