Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with your hands.
They will perish, but you remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing…
But you are always the same; you will live forever. – Psalm 102:25–27 (Life application Bible)
Jesus tells us… This world is constantly changing—time passes, seasons change, people change. Even your body is constantly changing and growing. Nothing on this earth stays the same. But I never change. I am always the same—yesterday, today, and forever. Because I never change, you can always count on Me. Friends may move away; you may switch churches or schools; homes can be destroyed. Sometimes it can feel like your life has been turned completely upside down. When that happens, come to Me.
Jesus concludes… I am rock-solid. You never have to be afraid, because I am always with you and I never change.
Psalm 102:25-27; Revelation 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 48:14
Footnotes Psalms 102:25-27 The writer of this psalm felt rejected and tossed aside because of his great troubles (102:9-10). Problems and heartaches can overwhelm us and cause us to feel that God has rejected us. But God our Creator is eternally with us and will keep all his promises, even though we may feel alone. The world will perish, but God will remain. Hebrews 1:10-12 quotes these verses to show that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was also present and active at the creation of the world.
Passage Revelations 1:8 8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Footnotes Revelations 1:8 Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The Lord God is the beginning and the end. God the Father is the eternal Lord and Ruler of the past, present, and future (see also 4:8; Isaiah 44:6; 48:12-15). Without him you have nothing that is eternal, nothing that can change your life, nothing that can save you from sin. Is the Lord your reason for living, “the Alpha and the Omega” of your life? Honor the one who is the beginning and the end of all existence, wisdom, and power.
Passage Hebrews 13:8 8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Footnotes Hebrews 13:8 Though human leaders have much to offer, we must keep our eyes on Christ, our ultimate leader. Unlike any human leaders, he will never change. Christ has been and will be the same forever. In a changing world we can trust our unchanging Lord.
Passage Psalms 48:14 14For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.
Footnotes Psalms 48:14 We often pray for God’s guidance as we struggle with decisions. What we need is both guidance and a guide – a map that gives us landmarks and directions and a constant companion who has an intimate knowledge of the way and will make sure we interpret the map correctly. The Bible is such a map, and the Holy Spirit is our constant companion and guide. As you make your way through life, use both the map and your Guide.
Jesus Tells us is from the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for kids.
THE WORLD…we see history

I sat in the car, looking at the sign on the door of the food shelf office: “Closed until Friday.” It was Wednesday. I had two hungry children and myself; I had no money. I laid my head on the steering wheel. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had been so strong, so brave, so trusting for so long. I was a single parent with two children, recently divorced. I had worked so courageously at being grateful for what I had, while setting financial goals and working at believing I deserved the best. I had put up with so much poverty, so much deprivation. Daily, I worked the Eleventh Step. I worked so hard at praying for knowledge of God’s will for me only, and the power to carry it through. I believed I was doing what I needed to do in my life. I wasn’t lollygagging. I was doing my best, working my hardest. And there just wasn’t enough money. Life had been a struggle in many ways, but the financial struggle seemed endless.
The WORD…we see Jesus, His Story!
Money isn’t everything, but it takes money to solve certain problems. I was sick of “letting go” and “letting go” and “letting go.” I was sick of “acting as if” I had enough money. I was tired of having to work so hard daily at letting go of the pain and fear about not having enough. I was tired of working so hard at being happy without having enough. Actually, most of the time I was happy. I had found my soul in poverty. But now that I had my soul and myself, I wanted some money too.
While I sat in the car trying to compose myself, I heard God speak to me in that silent, still voice, that whispers gently to our souls. “You don’t ever have to worry about money again, child. Not unless you want to. I told you that I would take care of you. And I will.” Great, I thought. Thanks a lot. I believe you. I trust you. But look around. I have no money. I have no food. And the food shelf is closed. You’ve let me down. Again, I heard His voice in my soul: “You don’t have to worry about money again. You don’t have to be afraid. I promise to meet all your needs.” I went home, called a friend, and asked to borrow some money. I hated borrowing, but I had no choice. My breakdown in the car was a release, but it didn’t solve a thing—that day. There was no check in the mailbox. But I got food for the day. And the next day. And the next. Within six months, my income doubled. Within nine months, it tripled. Since that day, I have had hard times, but I have never had to go without—not for more than a moment in time. Now, I have enough. Sometimes I still worry about money because that seems to be habitual. But now I know I don’t have to, and I know I never did.
Daily Meditation
God, help me work hard at what I believe is right for me in my life today, and I’ll trust You for the rest. Help me let go of my fears about money. Help me turn that area over to You, God. Take away the blocks and barriers in my life to financial success.
Source: Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go. Daily Meditation November 21st. For more information go to the following link https://melodybeattie.com/books/